Is A Meat Dominating Diet Healthy?
If you love meat, but you want to make a healthy change. Still eat meat, lightly.
This article is based off of experimental research studies on the benefits of what is best for human body consumption and what isn’t useful in the functionality of the human body. It isn’t to force anyone to consider “veganism” or to become “vegetarian”. I for one do not label myself as anything, because through knowledge comes development. Vegan lifestyles are based on animal activism rather than efficient diet. I only bring changes into my life if they are positive and beneficial. The correct balance in your diet could enhance physical and mental aspects of your life.
Nutrients Humans Need to Thrive
There are thirty-nine essential nutrients that are needed for human life to be sustained and healthy. Most of the nutrients required are abundant in plants or natural foods. These nutrients include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids along with seven molecules known as conditionally essential nutrients. The essential Amino Acids are molecules that cannot be synthesized endogenously therefore we need to get them from an outside source. Fatty acids are important for anti-inflammatory needs and improving membrane fluidity, krill oil which is taken as a supplement is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamins are organic molecules functioning as antioxidants and metabolic…